Basic recipes for the Zojirushi BBCC – V20 bread machine. The recipes below make a 2-pound loaf. Instructions for basic bread baking in the machine It’s that simple! Basic White Bread 100% Whole Wheat Bread Whole-wheat Sandwich Bread Rye Bread Pumpernickel Bread 7-Grain Bread Raisin Bread Want more info. You can download the Zojirushi BBC-V20 […]
A Basic Guide to Canning Dried Beans
Beans are meaty, filling, nutritious, tasty and full of fiber. They’re also really cheap! Most of the canned beans you find on the shelf at your local supermarket are overcooked, oversalted and — while not exactly espensive — overpriced. Not only that, but the cans they come in often contain chemicals in their lining that […]
How to Keep Your House Cool in the Summer

Here are few simple, cheap things you can do to keep your house as cool as possible — as cheaply as possible — during hot summer weather. Change to light colored shades, or go the other direction and use blackout shades. Shut all shades before you leave in the morning Caulk any air leaks around doors […]
How to Make Your Own Homemade Wine: The Basics

Here are simple overall instructions for making a nice homemade country wine. This guide is by no means comprehensive. It is a list for me to reference when I’m ready to make a new batch, and it assumes some prior knowledge of winemaking. The recipe here is for 1-gallon batches, which will produce five 750-ml […]
How to Buy a Used Car from a Rental Agency

If you’re thinking of buying a used car, check out the options available at rental agencies. You could end up saving big bucks.
Adsense Program Policies Webinar – 16/09/27

Need a basic overview of Adsense policies? Well, here it is straight from the Adsense Support Team via a 9/27/16 webinar. I’ve summarized below.
Point of View Marketing

Point-of-view marketing is communications that support what your brand – company, product or personal – stands for.