Here’s a review of the main steps involved in turning a big patch of turf grass into a beautiful, restored patch of native prairie.
- web design
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How to Optimize Images for the Web
Here are a few easy steps you can take to reduce the load time of your webpages through optimization of images.
- garden
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Garden and Planting Calendar for Southern Iowa
An annual garden calendar for southern Iowa, with best times to plant, prune and harvest.
How to Use Ashes Around Home and Garden
Here is a list of nifty tips and tricks to put wood ashes to good use around the house.
How to Deer-Proof a Garden or Orchard
Here are some simple ways to keep hungry deer away from your garden and fruit trees and shrubs.
How to Set Breakpoints in Responsive Design
Just a place for some personal, incoherent note taking about responsive design.
- development
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Updating Drupal Contributed Modules
The basic steps for updating contributed modules in a Drupal-based website.
What Makes a Social Post Go Viral?
Here’s a summary of an insightful Buffer post with an analysis of what elements of content encourage people to share it.
El Paso for Mexican Food in Iowa City
If you see a sign in Iowa City that says “authentic Mexican food,” chances are very good that anything but is being served inside.